I'm both proud and sad that Zach is using a big person cup already. He still needs a little help. And, he only gets to have water so it's not too terribly messy when the inevitable spill/slosh happens.
It's so cute! But, I'm afraid that he will only drink water out of a big person cup now. We'll see how it goes when we have to travel a bit. Of course, we don't go very far these days. Just across town, at the most.
Here's a sampling of how it went this morning:
Z: water, peas
M: you have water over there (pointing at a sippy of water)
Z: cup
M: you want to use the cup?
Z: water cup, peas
M: OK, I'll put some water in the cup
Z: WATER!!! (happy, not impatient)
M: Hold the cup with both hands right here
Z: boaf hands
M: tip it up
Zach drinks succesfully without spilling!!!! several times in a row....then coughs because he got too much
M: let's get you dry...do you want a clean, dry shirt?
Z: keen dry shirt
And off we went to change his shirt. Then more of the same.
But he's still in the same shirt now. And he's letting me not give him water at the moment. But, Curious George is on the TV. Oh, and I'm trying to spell what he says phoenetically.