Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Overwhelmed much?

Yeah, a while back I said I'd have a clean office....and I was getting things going so that I could go back to school and get my Masters Degree.  Well, the office is far from clean and my boys are keeping me so unbelievably busy, I don't know where I would fit grad school in.  Perhaps it's time to start a list of things that are crazy important to me and discover where post-graduate education fits well as having a clean house.  Don't worry, I won't bore most of you with that list....just the ones whose lives may change drastically if I do this.


Wendy said...

Good luck with that! I know you can do it, if it's what you really want! I have never had any ambition to get my Master's Degree, and never will, but I cannot imagine doing that AND raising three little boys. I don't have that kind of motivation, time, patience, stamina, etc! lol! You can do it if you really want it, I'm sure!

Rachel said...

Thanks, Wendy. I'm thinking that I might just have to push it off until they are in school...I don't know. My motivation is lacking right now, time can be made, patience runs thin, and stamina is down the tube right Maybe as Dan starts getting better and being able to help more again, I'll have enough of all that back to start.