Friday, July 11, 2008

The obligatory poop talk

Well, it occurred to me that many of you who might be reading this didn't know that we (that's probably the royal we) switched to cloth diapers. It's nowhere near as difficult as I had thought it would be. I started by using gdiapers in an effort to start leaving less of a footprint and live a little greener. (More on greener living in later posts, I'm sure.) Turns out that our plumbing is a bit sensitive to the flushable liner. It wasn't too expensive a lesson, but it was definitely learned quickly. So, we started flushing only part of the liner. The part that breaks down faster than toilet paper. But, that still left us with a smelly pail. Yeah, I talk. So, in an effort to get the smelly pail out of the house, I researched my options and man are there a LOT of options these days. I decided that to not have wasted the money on those very cute gdiapers covers, I would just buy what would normally be stuffed into a pocket diaper. So, now both boys are wearing those adorable covers stuffed with an insert made of 55% hemp and 45% cotton. Here's to hoping that Zach will learn that being wet is just as uncomfortable as being poopy and will at least start telling me when he needs his diaper changed, if not telling me when he needs to go potty.

I started this this morning because I changed a messy poopy diaper of Tom's. Man, breastfed baby poop is just plain messy. Thank goodness it doesn't really stink much. Zach's, on the other hand, is easy to clean up. Just dump it in the toilet, then put the cloth insert into the pail waiting for laundry day. I guess I prefer the stink and ease to the non stink and 5 minute routine of trying to get it all rinsed off into the toilet. They do make handy contraptions for rinsing cloth diapers. I don't know if they had them when my mom was changing my diapers, but I do know that she got down to the toilet and actually put her hands in the bowl to rinse out mine and my sister's. Our toilet happens to be close enough to the shower that I just use the shower head that's on a hose to get them rinsed off. Yay for modern technology!!!

And just for good measure, I've put in a couple of pictures of both boys in their diapers. Yeah, they are a few months old, but that's what I have available right now.


'Thea said...

I am cracking up about the poop talk. Kudos to you for trying to Do the Right Thing with diapers.

Wow, those pics of the boys are amazing. I am missing out for being far away. Zach looks like a little boy now, and Tom's wide face just makes a person smile back. :)

Love, 'Thea

Marlyn said...

Love the story (that I kinda knew!). I am so proud, if that doesn't sound too corny, of you for making the switch!