Saturday, September 6, 2008

Too bad avocados are getting expensive again

Tom loved the avocado he got today at lunch.  I bought a small one a couple days ago that was almost ripe.  It was $.89!!!  But, this little guy of mine seems to prefer things that aren't as sweet as banana or pear.  Kind of strange, but I won't argue.  I guess that means that vegetables won't be as difficult with him as they were with Zach.  Man, oh, man I wish it was the season for them.  But, then again, maybe he'll like winter squash too and that's an easy thing for me to get very soon.


Marlyn said...

Avocado was both of my girls' first or second food (bananas the other). They both loved them and still do. SOOOO good for them! Even if they get more expensive they are probably still going to be cheaper than jarred food would be! Winter squash is another awesome food. Alex loved banana squash.

Rachel said...

Hmmm....$.89 for two meals (that's how small it was). Not sure if that's less expensive than the jarred stuff or not, but it sure is better for him. :)

Marlyn said...

I have NO idea how much those jars cost -- I was thinking like a couple bucks, no? But I'm 100% with you on better for him!