Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Terrible Two's?

OMG!!! I can't believe that Zach is being such a pain. Well, yes, I can. But, the point is that everything I've ever heard about the terrible two's is that they are supposed to be coming to an end as the kid reaches 2. My guess is that he is having the hardest time telling me what he wants and just getting frustrated beyond all reason.

Over the last few days, he started being a fusspot out of the blue. I'm in the room with him. He's doing his own thing. He's not chasing after the dogs with one of his ride on/push toys. And just starts screaming like there is something very, very wrong.

I honestly don't know how many days in a row of this I can take. But, I'll take Mom's advice. Start playing 20 questions. Do you hurt? Are you hungry? I gotta remember to be more specific with him. What's wrong? doesn't get an answer....just more crying. And, he's getting really strong!!!! If he's throwing one of these fits, he can pretty easily break from my arms.....guess it's time to hit the gym again. *sigh*


Armstrong Family said...

Someone told you that they ended at the beginning of two?!?! You better find them and tell them off my love because they just get to the meat of being 2 when they actually turn 2! Wait until they turn 3, it's a whole different ball game and don't get me started when they go to kindergarten..lol!

Marlyn said...

I found that they ended by the time they were two with both girls.

I think it is largely a function of how well they can communicate. They get terribly frustrated when they can't express their thoughts/feelings/needs.

We just went through a major whiney phase with Alex, now 3.5, but I think that was more a function of adjusting to Mama being home more than her age. Greggie (2 next week -- I can't believe it!) still throws tantrums when we tell her things like, "stop jumping from the coffee table to the couch" or "do not walk with that glass and straw!" but that's her stubborn streak, not her age either! LOL

Rachel said...

We had a much better day yesterday...I wish he would tell me he's hungry. I know he doesn't always know, but it would make life so much simpler!

Marlyn said...

Oh, Greggie tells me! "I HUNG-Y!! I want FOOD! I want a san-witch. I want 'nana! I want orange juice!" She learned the "I wants" from her pro sister - Oh, actually, Alex always says, "I need..."


Nichole said...

Welcome to the terrible two club! Both girls started around 16 months. Raena is all about her way. At least she responds to time-out most of the time. But as we always say it's just a phase and then it will be something else that drives us nuts, like the whiney phase.