I'm so sad. I knew I'd eventually stop nursing and all, but I was actually enjoying it. And he up and bit me!!! TWICE! I screamed from pain, scared him into crying, started crying myself, and then we settled. (Oh, and Zach said, "Whoa!!!" when I screamed. Poor guy had no clue why I was upset.) And then he wouldn't finish. I was really hoping to make it far enough to introduce cow's milk instead of more formula. But you all knew that. I have many reasons for that. Not the least of which is that a gallon of milk is by far much less expensive than the same quantity of formula no matter how it's stored...including powdered (which is my preference since it is the cheapest way to get it).
Now, I guess we try to get him to take a bottle...or a sippy. I don't really care which, but I do care that he gets enough to eat.
Touch rocks
12 years ago
Greggie bit me at about the same age and then never again. Until last week! hahahaha You screaming might have been enough for him to realize. Don't give up if you don't want to. Greggie is ALMOST weaned. Whew! But she is cutting molars and I'm not pushing while we're dealing with that.
Well, at this point, he's more interested in things going on around him, so we've weaned down to morning and night only.
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