Saturday, August 30, 2008

OK, maybe not as crazy as I thought

Turns out that Zach wasn't ready for the side of the crib to be gone. We put him down and he looked so worried. So, we asked him if he wanted it back. The answer was a definitive, "yes!" Well, I guess that means that's one thing I can wait on, but I figure it'll be soon anyway. He's not quite ready for the crib to be gone, and that's just fine with us.

Are we crazy? Probably!!!!

This morning, Zach wanted to cuddle with both of us...very cute.  Then, we asked him if he wanted a bed instead of a crib.  He didn't seem to understand, but kept repeating "bed" over and over.  So, we brought him to his room and let him watch us take apart the crib and lower the mattress.  He then crawled in and out of bed many, many times.  We're going to see if he will take a nap this way.  Wish us luck!

Friday, August 29, 2008

He's a sneaky one, that Zach

Yep, he sure is!  I knew he'd played with the wipes container, but I didn't know that he'd pulled a whole bunch out and then stuck them back in.  At least they were still usable when I had to change his diaper this afternoon.

Holy Huge Kids, Batman!!!

Yes, they really are big!  Zach measured in at 37 and 1/2 inches.  That's more than 3 feet!!!!  If you believe in the double their height at 2 to find out how tall they'll be thing...that's 6' 3" when he hits his full adult height.  Whoa!  And he's only 30 pounds.  (For those of you who care, his height is off the charts now and his weight is still right there at the 75%.)  He did well getting his finger pricked to check for anemia.  Wow, he's a bleeder and doesn't like to have bandages on his fingers.  Amazingly enough, he managed to keep the blood off all the clothes on everyone who helped.

Tom has slowed down a bit.  We aren't worried about it in any way.  He's 28 inches long and 18 pounds 13 ounces.  (That's right at 95% and 75% for him.)  I was told not to worry about the solids, just keep trying.  Strange how different he is from his brother.  He's really just totally uninterested in the food we have for him, but wants everything we are eating.  I guess that means that if I'm feeding Zach some pear at lunch, Tom will now get it all mushed up.  I was even told that it's OK if I introduce more than one food at a time.  My guess is that it's because we don't have a history of food allergies, so whatever I can get in him is good at this point.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Half Birthday, Little Man!

It's hard to believe, but my little one is 6 months old today! I really don't know where the time goes anymore. The not-so-little guy is still finicky about his food...nothing but mama's milk and only from the source. We'll work on it. He's still sleeping through the night, so I guess he can't be that hungry, can he?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Water Mains are important when you use cloth diapers

I am so very glad that I had already done the diapers the day before the water mains in my neighborhood broke....3 of them!!!  As I understand it, two broke from the extra water from the rain...and the third one broke when they tested the first one to see if it was fixed.  Thank goodness for small miracles.  This was on Friday.  I have more appreciation for my washing machine now than I ever did.

Friday, August 15, 2008

To Diaper, or not to diaper

Wow! I feel extraordinarily lucky when it comes to my elder son. He never really has been sick (knock on wood) and he's a generally happy guy. Now, I've heard and read stories about babies taking off diapers and playing with the contents of said diaper. I feel even more lucky that Zach hasn't done that...yet. But, during/after his nap yesterday and this morning when he got up, he took off his shorts and his diaper....full, but only wet! (Thank goodness for small things like that.) I didn't have to change his sheets...just his shirts. So, now I'm thinking, is he ready yet? Do you think I've asked him if he wants to get rid of those diapers? NOPE!!! He's still peeing in them, so not quite ready, I don't think. Soon, but just not yet. He's only recently started putting more than one word together to ask for things or tell me things. And I haven't heard the word "potty" come out of his mouth yet....but very soon.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Quote of the Day

"A-boo, Om"  Translated, he said, "peek-a-boo, Tom."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Economics, Anyone?

Yep, I'm going to attempt this again.  I finally figured out that being a SAHM just isn't enough for me.  I need something outside of my boys to keep me sane.  It appears that school is the way to go for me.  And, since UTD is the closest school of any kind, other than the community colleges, I will be attempting to actually finish the application process finally.  I've tried it twice now.  The first time was before we even knew Zach was going to join us, or before we had any inkling that we'd be moving to NOVA.

When we came back, I decided I'd make the attempt again.  And discovered I was pregnant with Tom.  I didn't think starting graduate school while pregnant was the best idea since I don't really do pregnant well.  And, I couldn't imagine myself going to any classes during Tom's first few months of life.  Well, life has calmed down a bit, and I feel like I can probably take on one class for the Spring, not until January.  That feels very far away right now, but I know that by the time I get all my ducks in a row for applying, I'll probably barely make it in before the application deadline.

And, if you hadn't already figured it out, my plan is to get my MS in Economics.  I don't know where I'll go from there, but I do know that I need something.  Something that will propel me in some sort of forward direction is good.  Staying at home has been wonderful.....most of the time.  I'm sure that all moms have had those days where they just didn't want to be needed for at least 3 hours in a row.  I haven't had that for quite some time, unless I was sleeping.  While sleep is a wonderful thing that we all need, it isn't enough "me time" since I don't always get to actually enjoy it long enough.  I can't remember the last time I actually got enough sleep.  OK, done rambling there.  I'm hoping that I can get a few of the undergrad courses under my belt and get back in the groove of having some sort of real schedule over the next few year.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Poor Sleepy Little Guy

It's hard to believe that almost 6 months have passed since we met Tom for the first time. And, while I put in the title that he's a little guy, he's far from it. I don't have an official weight for him, but I got on the scale with him the other day and he's already pushing 20 lbs!!!! Dan and I bought a new car seat for him this past weekend so that we wouldn't be caught without one ready. It should last him a nice long time. We could switch it out now, but he can't sit up yet, and I really need him to be able to do that to make shopping a bit easier before we do that. The seat is able to stay rear facing until he's 35 lbs and forward facing until he's 70 lbs/8 years old. I don't know when he'll hit that 70 lb mark, but if he keeps going the way he is, it very well could be before he's 8. Yikes!

On to the title of the post. I think he's trying to give up his third nap, but failing pretty miserable at it. He keeps waking up very early from both his morning and his afternoon naps. Today, I finally just let him cry so that he'd get that all important third nap. It's always a short one, but he needs it or he calls it a day at 5!!! That's just not a good idea. Because when he does that, he inevitably wakes up at 5 AM for food. No thank you, sir. You've been sleeping through the night for way too long to start waking up at 5 to eat again.

Oh, and for those of you who actually come to the website, you can see that I added a flickr badge. Any pictures I have on Flickr that are marked public will show up there. And, you can click on them and it will take you to my Flickr photo. You can see all public photos there quite a bit bigger than on the badge. :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More Clean Freak!

*SIGH* Life gets in the way so often. I've been stuck in the limbo part of cleaning up this room for several days now. Zach doesn't generally want me to not be in the same room as him....or, rather, he wants to be in the same room I'm in, so he wants in the office and can't be in the office...I will finish, eventually. And then I'll post the pictures.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Clean Freak!!! Part 2

Those of you who know me well, know that I frequently have the best intentions of doing something....and then it just falls through.  Well, I haven't finished yet.  Life with a toddler, an infant, two dogs and a husband who finds it quite easy to distract me, has kept me from finishing as fast as I'd like.  But, I do have pictures...that aren't being posted until I have the finished pics to prove that I can finish something that I start and have it be nice.  I've actually managed to see more carpet in this room than I thought was there...LOL...Ok, not really, but there is carpet there.  I can sit on it now to go through all the piles that I made neatly so that I could figure out what needed to be put in the recycle bin and what needed to be shredded first.

And, yes, Marlyn, I really do have the'll just have to wait.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to the Love of my Life!

I know today wasn't everything you hoped for....such is the life of parents with a toddler and an infant.  I love you very much.

Pee is so much fun... play in. Oh, my. Yes, he did. *sigh* Last night, while Dan and I were occupied with other things, Zach took off his diaper and peed on the floor. Sorry, no pictures. We were trying to get him to stop playing with the pee that was on the vinyl flooring in our entry way and get it and him cleaned up. Amazingly enough, the diaper was totally dry. Potty training, here we come!!!!