Friday, August 29, 2008

He's a sneaky one, that Zach

Yep, he sure is!  I knew he'd played with the wipes container, but I didn't know that he'd pulled a whole bunch out and then stuck them back in.  At least they were still usable when I had to change his diaper this afternoon.


Marlyn said...

Oh, gosh! Alex found an old pack, and I do mean old because we used cloth wipes with Greggie so they go back to before Alex was PT'ed, so two years, of wipes the other day and took them all out and covered her dolls with them and this and that'ed with them. They were all over. How funny that he put them back! Greggie does that with tissues -- pulls them all out to get ONE and then puts the others back.

Rachel said...

Hehehe...yeah, we still have leftovers, and he isn't always in the gdipes, so they get used on him still.