Friday, August 29, 2008

Holy Huge Kids, Batman!!!

Yes, they really are big!  Zach measured in at 37 and 1/2 inches.  That's more than 3 feet!!!!  If you believe in the double their height at 2 to find out how tall they'll be thing...that's 6' 3" when he hits his full adult height.  Whoa!  And he's only 30 pounds.  (For those of you who care, his height is off the charts now and his weight is still right there at the 75%.)  He did well getting his finger pricked to check for anemia.  Wow, he's a bleeder and doesn't like to have bandages on his fingers.  Amazingly enough, he managed to keep the blood off all the clothes on everyone who helped.

Tom has slowed down a bit.  We aren't worried about it in any way.  He's 28 inches long and 18 pounds 13 ounces.  (That's right at 95% and 75% for him.)  I was told not to worry about the solids, just keep trying.  Strange how different he is from his brother.  He's really just totally uninterested in the food we have for him, but wants everything we are eating.  I guess that means that if I'm feeding Zach some pear at lunch, Tom will now get it all mushed up.  I was even told that it's OK if I introduce more than one food at a time.  My guess is that it's because we don't have a history of food allergies, so whatever I can get in him is good at this point.


Marlyn said...

That Z is a tall one! You guys are both tall though, right? Greggie was 35 inches, standing up, 24 pounds. 75th and 20th. Doc says she's "thin" - have you seen her thighs? Belly???? hahahaha

Rachel said...

LMAO, I'm tall, but Dan is the same height as, not really? And, she is thin...I have seen the pics.

Marlyn said...

We're the same as you guys -- I'm tall and Gregg is my height. She looks thin in that pic where she is sleeping in her suity, eh?