Monday, March 9, 2009

I think he's gonna be the death of me. Part 2

Who knew that I'd already have a part 2 for this?  Come on, I know some of you were expecting it, even if you don't know about what happened already.

OK.  Tom took a tumble and ended up being taken to Children's in downtown Dallas.  He is fine!  Now, stop holding your breath and I'll tell you the whole thing.

Some backstory:  My loving husband purchased a series of massages for me for my birthday this year.  I was in the middle of one when it was interrupted by the receptionist.  There had been an emergency and Tom was taken to Children's.

Dan was changing a poopy dipe and Tom (like normal for him, mind you) decided to roll over and sit up.  He does this all the time; but this time, he was too far to one side (I imagine, since I was not there) and fell off instead.  He landed flat on his back.  Pause a moment, then cry.  Pretty expected.  Dan was soothing him when he had a seizure.  Call 911.  (Stupid phones aren't working properly, so they couldn't hear him...they sent fire, police, and ambulance, THANK GOD!)  EMTs look Tom over and decide to take him to Children's.  For those of you who know Dallas a bit, it's the one connected to Parkland.

Dan and I finally arrive at the ER and Tom seems relatively OK.  Very tired (past naptime, duh!) and a little listless.  Won't fall asleep...hmmmmmm.  Docs come in to talk to us to let us know what they have decided.  Very conservative CT scans or Xrays.  I'm very thankful for that.  They just want to observe him for a few hours.  He lost his lunch in two bouts and finally napped for about an hour.  When he woke up, he was thirsty enough to finally take a bottle of juice.  (Silly kid never did like bottles, but the hospital only had bottles or straws.  Weird, I know.)  And was acting hungry, so we got them to bring us some graham crackers.  Doc comes back in, we're hoping to leave (it's about 4:30 now) and are told that because he threw up that we have to stay a little longer to make sure he's keeping food and juice down.

Tom is flirting with EVERYONE who walks by.  So, instead of making us wait that long, they started the paperwork and once it was completed, let us take him home.  Told us to wake him every 4 hours to make sure he was still doing everything right (using both sides, acting like a baby).  I got home with him around 7.  Mom and Zach were sitting on the couch as I walk in with a wide-awake Tom.  Zach says, "Tom has a big owie."  (My heart just melted again.)  We get them both in bed and quiet and she goes home.

Fast-forward to today.  Tom is climbing and being his usual daredevil self again.  I'm gonna end up knowing the local ER docs and nurses by name as he gets older because I'm quite certain that we're going to find him with a broken bone or a cut that needs stitches relatively often.  But, the ped says he's fine and just to give him a few days before we try to get him back to his normal schedule and let him sleep when he wants and as long as he wants.  (Yikes!  That could make for some interesting evenings.)

1 comment:

Marlyn said...

Wow! Scary. Glad it was all okay!