Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gah! The dogs are safe at home.

The lawn service guy left the gate open when he treated it for weeds and fed it.  They (the dogs) didn't notice at lunchtime, but they did while I was feeding Zach and Tom dinner this evening.  Thus, the "GAH!"  So, Dan came home a bit early and drove the neighborhood...found both dogs together, on some front porch about a block and a half away, whining at a door.  He put them both in the Jetta (that was probably really funny looking) and brought them home.

He also called the lawn service company, told them what happened and we are waiting for the branch manager to call back now.


Anonymous said...

Glad you found them.

Dad :-}

Marlyn said...

Another reason not to have a lawn - go native! LOL


Rachel said...

Don't I wish, Marlyn....not doable here.

Marlyn said...

I know! :-)

I can't wait for you to get your gardens going -- we can compare notes. Hey, random thought, today Alex and I started some bean sprouts. Greggie, and Zach, are a little young for the project but you might want to try it anyway - just to be growing something. Let me know if you want more details!

Rachel said...

I would love more details! It seems the only thing I can keep alive inside my house that doesn't actively tell me it needs food is a bamboo. I don't have a natural green thumb and am going to have to cultivate one.