Friday, February 20, 2009


Oh, my.  Yes, Zach is officially signed up for pre-school.  Starting after Labor Day, he will be going 3 half days a week...following the Richardson ISD school calendar.  Wow!  My little boy isn't really so little anymore.  One little snag that I'm sure we'll get past....he has to be potty-trained before then.  Wish us luck!


Marlyn said...

Oh, he'll get that down by then. I can send Greggie out to help == hahahaha -- just what you need in your life -- another 2-year old! At least you wouldn't be the only girl!

Rachel said...

LOL!!! Yes, please don't send a two-year old out here. One is more than enough! I don't envy my cousin whose twins will be two this summer.